Saturday, September 17, 2022

World Patient Safety Day (WPSD) 2022 Certificate In Just 3 Steps


World Patient Safety Day (WPSD) 2022

Medication Safety ( Medication Without Harm  )

World Patient Safety Day (WPSD) 2022 is observed annually on 17 September since 2019. It aims to raise global awareness about patient safety and call for solidarity and united action by all countries and international partners to reduce patient harm. Patient safety focuses on preventing and reducing risks, errors and harm that happen to patients during the provision of health care.

The theme this year is 'Medication Safety' with the slogan

Medication Without Harm

As a responsible healthcare worker, You understand the consequences of harm to patients due to preventable medication errors, unsafe medication practices and my role in preventing them. You also aware of your patients' role in medication safety. You will champion the cause of patient safety and will educate your patients on their role towards safe medication.

14 Point that you remember during the medication

1. Make sure proper medication history is taken and share with the clinical team.

2. Check patients own medicines brought by him at admission 

3. Be taking proper drug handover during shift changes and transition of patient care

4. Verify medication orders for right dosage before administering at the right time

5. Confirm patients’ identification before administering medications

6. Double check medicines while receiving from pharmacy 

7. Follow protocols for managing high risk medications and for like look-alike and sound-alike medicines

8. Make sure of right dilutions and infusion rate

9. Monitor patients during drug therapy to Identify and take measures in case of adverse events 

10. Make sure of proper documentation for drug administration 

11. Will follow the protocol of read back and confirmation for verbal orders

12. Make sure of proper stocking and replacement of used drugs in emergency crash cart

13. Provide proper education and counselling to patients.

14. Report any Adverse Drug Event (ADE) and be part of improving medication safety

"5 Golden moments security" is a World Health Organization drive created to help their "#Medication_without_harm" crusade. It is centered around 5 possibly key minutes to forestall a wrong utilization of prescription:


The 5 Golden moments for medication safety

1.       Starting a Medication.

2.       Taking a Medication.

3.       Adding a Medication.

4.       Reviewing a Medication.

5.       Stopping a Medication

For Pledge to promote medication safety Certificate 

 Click in :- Pledge Now

Thanks & Regards
Raghvendra Singh Solanki

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