Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Noida Supertech Twin Towers Demolition- Health Challenges

Health challenges will increase after the collapse of Supertech tower, take these precautions

A cloud of dust will rise as soon as the twin towers of Supertech i.e. Apex and Cyan Towers are demolished. Due to this air pollution can increase up to five times. Due to this, people will have to face health problems for the next 7 to 90 days.

The court also slammed the Noida authority for colluding with the builder to pave the way for illegal construction of 40-storey towers in violation of municipal and fire safety norms. The Court held that the 2009 clearance plan approved by the Noida Authority was illegal as it violated the minimum distance norms and that the plan could not have been sanctioned even without the consent of the flat buyers.

This decision has come today on several petitions filed by home buyers in favor and against the High Court's 2014 decision. On 11 April 2014, the Allahabad High Court ordered the demolition of both the buildings and refund of the money to the flat buyers within four months. The Supreme Court had stayed the decision after the real estate firm went on appeal.

The Supreme Court on August 4 slammed the Noida authority for "staggering use of power" in approving two residential towers of real estate developer Supertech in a green area and then blocking the right to information regarding the building plan. It had reserved its decision on the petitions requested by the flat buyers.

Can learn from the past
After the demolition of four towers Holy Faith H20, Alpha Sirene, Jain Coral Cove and Golden Kayaloram in Kochi and Maradu in Kerala in January 2020, people in the neighborhood had health problems for months. In this, people were troubled for several weeks due to headache, asthma, attacks, colds, phlegm and allergies.
75,000 tonnes of debris came out due to the fall of all the four towers. It took more than 70 days to remove it. After the demolition of the tower, the air pollution in the atmosphere had increased up to five times. Due to this the health of the people around was deteriorating.

During this, the administration had to organize a health camp. After the demolition of the tower, dust had accumulated on the empty space including the surrounding house, tree, wall, park. Dust used to enter people's houses even when there was a slight breeze.

Dr. D.K.Gupta  Chairman, Felix Hospital. Gupta says that during the tower demolition process, people may have to face problems due to noise pollution and air pollution in the area of ​​10 to 15 km, but this problem will increase immediately after the collapse of the tower.
2.5 lakh tonnes of debris will come out of Apex and Cyan

After the demolition, 2.5 lakh tonnes of debris is estimated to be removed from Apex and Cyan Towers. Due to the demolition, the dust plume is expected to rise to a height of about 150 meters. To control this, water tender with automatic water sprinkler will be present. Whereas, how far the dust storm will go, it will depend on the speed of the wind.
Emerald Court Society and ATS Village Society will be most affected by this. Due to this, people suffering from respiratory diseases need to take special precautions.

Take precaution, take doctor's advice

Due to dust particles and sudden large air pollution ( Occupational Health Hazards ), people can get the following diseases
1 - Headache
2- Problems in the eyes (burning, reddening, itching problem)
3 - Chronic bronchitis
4 - Skin Rashes
5 - runny nose, sore throat
6- The problem of phlegm
7- Asthma attacks
8- Increased blood pressure
9- Mental stress
10 - Early liver pain, premature delivery to pregnant women
12 - May cause diseases like allergic sinusitis

How to protect own self and your loved one ?
1 - wear a mask
2- Stay away from the surrounding area for some time
3 - Use air purifiers in homes
4 - Refrain from going out
5- Take medicine regularly (who are taking medicine for any disease)
6 - Use skin moisturizer
7- Use goggles to protect the eyes
8 - If there is irritation in the skin or eyes, immediately consult a doctor.

Important tips for nearby residents -
1. Keep your doors and windows closed at the time of demolition (2:30 pm).
2. You can plan to cover your AC unit.
3. You can plan to cover your vehicles, especially those parked in open parking.
4. Preferably turn off your AC until the dust settles just after the explosion.
5. Avoid going out of your flat/society for that period.
6. If you have to go out for some work, see the traffic advisory (attached).
7. Remove clothes etc. from balconies.
8. Cover the exhaust of the chimney.
9. Wear a mask to avoid shortness of breath during and after demolition
10. Last but most important, please do not panic and keep your patience in any situation.

              Mr. Raghvendra Singh Solanki 
President of Universal Human Rights Council, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Utter Pradesh, 

Human rights said ?
 Mr. Solanki, President of Universal Human Rights Council, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh says that we believe that the Supreme Court has protected the rights of human, animal, environment etc. Mr. Solanki say that 
If there is any way if any rights are violated then uhrc gautam buddha nagar, we will protect them in any situation.

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