Sunday, August 14, 2022

Free [UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, WHO/PAHO Joint Certificate Training] Training on Transitioning to Complex Risk Management and Resilient Urban Futures: Harnessing South-South Cooperation and Learning From COVID-19

Targeted Audience
 Local and national government officials in charge of disaster risk reduction and management, urban development and planning, public health; emergency preparedness, national associations of municipalities; urban resilience and development practitioners as well as civil society, private sector, and academia.

The course is open to all applicants from both developed and developing countries, especially the young experts and officials. Participants from Least Developed Countries (LDC) and Small Island Developing countries are highly encouraged.

Date & Time
23 August, 30 August, 6 September, and 13 September 2022
(Every Tuesday, a total of 4 online sessions)

All online sessions will be held between 90-120 minutes starting at the same time from 8:00 New York | 14:00 Geneva | 19:00 Bangkok | 21:00 Incheon

Course Objective
 This training serves as an introductory training for urban leaders, planners and practitioners, aiming to:

Increase the understanding and capacities to manage complex and systematic disaster risks, enhance public health emergency response preparedness, and South-South cooperation.

Better prepare city stakeholders for transitioning to living with COVID-19 pandemic, fostering collective collaboration and better preparing cities for future crises - especially health emergencies and uncertainties.
Facilitate city-to-city partnerships in South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) towards sustainable development.

By the end of this training, participants shall be able to:

Describe and understand systematic risks, disaster risk reduction, public health emergency response preparedness and South-South and triangular cooperation. 

Explain SSTC trends and policies in disaster risk reduction, Sendai framework and other disaster risk reduction frameworks, public health responses at urban levels.

Provide examples of cities’ transitioning to living with COVID-19 and managing complex risk scenarios, share relevant solutions on DRR and health emergency response preparedness, and exchange cities’ SSTC experiences and good practices on DRR and integration of health emergencies preparedness in city urban development actions.

Use tools related to disaster risk reduction planning, public health response and SSTC.

Course assessment (exam)
 Participants will be given an online voluntary end-of-course assessment via the UNOSSC Virtual Expo Site to test their understanding and knowledge taught and presented in the training The assessment will consist of a quiz to test the knowledge on South-South and triangular cooperation, disaster and risk reduction, and public health. To be considered successful, the participants need to succeed the completion of the quiz at a rate of 80%.

 Course evaluation
 To enable evidence-based course evaluation, a post-course survey will be disseminated to participants to collect feedback on the course contents and organization, as well as understanding participants’ development needs for follow-up and to facilitate future programmatic designing.

 Certificate of completion will be given to participants who meet the following requirements:

How to enroll ? :- Register Here

Attend at least 3 out of 4 live sessions (75%)
Complete a feedback survey, and 
Complete an end-of-course assessment (exam), with the score of 80% or above 
Qualified participants who fulfill all requirements can obtain the certificate automaticall from the UNOSSC Virtual Expot site.

For more information :- Click here

 United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) 
United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)
World Health Organization (WHO) Health Emergencies Programme
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) 

For more information:
UNDRR Global Education and Training Institute (GETI) at
WHO at

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Best Regards,
Mr.Raghvendra Singh Solanki
RN & RM, SCOM ( PHFI ), HICN ( WHO ), Nursing SME
Mb. No +91 8602233670